Thursday, 13. February 2025.

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9 novembarThe Antifascist Collective of Niš, the group of activists from organizations:  Women Space, Center for Civil Resources Development, Committee for Human Rights and Centre for Girls, will commemorate the November 9 - The International Day against Fascism with the standing action at the Kralj Milan Square, starting at 2 P.M.  On this occasion, activist of the Antifascist Collective of Niš will carry banners with messages:  Antifascism is my Choice, We don’t want Walls, Silence isn’t Golden, We don’t Want Revision of History, Death to Fascism - Freedom to the People, Stop Fascism, and Support to Migrants..., to remind citizens on this important international date.


Current events in Serbia, such as the revision of history, a discriminatory attitude towards migrants and other social minorities, changes in the law in the direction of denial of citizens’ human and labor rights, suppression of freedom of the media, the transformation of right-wing organizations in the political parties, as well as the collapse of global freedom to neoliberal capitalism, are clear call for public reaction. The Antifascist Collective of Niš is reacting in this way.

We invite all citizens and all media of Niš to join us in this action.

*** The International Day against Fascism is annually observed throughout the world as a commemoration of the “Kristallnacht” (or Night of Broken Glass), and is considered a symbolic beginning of the Holocaust. The violence that happened on German streets and squares on November 9th, 1938 marked the beginning of state organized, legally legitimate and publicly supported the persecution of Jews, which ended with the murder of six million innocent men, women and children.


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